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How Does it Work?

Claims are entered all day by you in your EZ 2000 billing software. Claims are simply batched in your computer. At your command, EZ 2000 will automatically send claims to DrDirect which will automatically contact the clearinghouse via the web, transmit your claims, disconnect and return to your EZ 2000 program. Trojan Prof. Svcs. upholds an acceptance rate of at least 98%. This assures EZ 2000 clients the HIGHEST QUALITY transmissions available.

EZ 2000 & Trojan Provide:

Easy installationSimple trainingUnlimited supportTimely upgrades

Electronic Claims with DrDirect

You receive (electronically) important information including:

Claims tracking at no additional charge

Requests for additional information (x-rays)

Payment Information

Electronic pre-determinations

The power of DrDirect means you:

Receive payments fasterAvoid middle-men and third party delays of your transmissions

or requests from the payers

Retrieve status and inquiry reports on a daily basis at no additional charge

Benefit from automatic error-checking on each claim before it leaves your office

Special Price for EZ 2000 Clients

Only 24 cents per claimPrice guaranteed for one full year


Submit electronic attachments

with your eclaims.

This allows your electronic claims

to attach x-rays, lab reports,
intraoral camera photos,

perio charts, and more.

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